Parents and educators collaborate to design Individual Education Plans (IEP) to meet the unique needs of children that qualify for special education learning. The question for parents is what an IEP has to include to meet the legal guidelines created bv the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Present Level of Educational Performance A Present […]

Children who receive special education services must participate in a school-drafted Individual Education Program (IEP). Created under the Individual with Disabilities Act (IDEA), an IEP represents the most important legal document produced to help your child overcome learning obstacles at school. What Parents Need to Know about an IEP An IEP must clearly define the […]
As the key component that determines the eligibility of a special needs child under IDEA, the evaluation process includes testing and observation conducted by highly trained education professionals. Each one of the skills your child possesses goes under the evaluation microscope to determine if a special education plan can help the child adapt to standard […]

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) legally mandates that schools must meet the education needs of students that demonstrate that one or more disabilities impede their education progress. Schools must evaluate eligible students for a wide variety of disabilities that include learning disabilities. The groundbreaking federal law was passed in response from pressure put […]

Education law that pertains to student safety historically focused on acts of violence that cause serious injuries or in the cases of Columbine and Sandy Hook, numerous deaths. However, over the past 10 years, the prescription of potentially harmful medications has taken front stage in the formulation of school safety law. The legal questions in […]

If you asked most parents and educators what represents the most important education issue in the United States, you might be surprised to learn it is not the quality of education a student receives, or the education amenities provided by a school or school district. It is all about student safety. We live in an […]

Signed into law by President George W. Bush in 2002, the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) represents one of the landmark education laws passed in United States history. Education advocates on both sides of the political spectrum created the legislation to address the rapidly growing education gap between students of varied economic classes. Among […]

The short answer to the question “Do parents have an education choice for their children” is yes. Several factors, such as cost, quality, location, and educational quality play a role in determining where parents opt to send their kids to school. Over the past 20 years, other education option factors have emerged that include the […]

Words are not the only way students can express themselves. What students wear to school says as much, if not more than spoken words. Because of the importance of clothing in making political statements, the United States Supreme Court has played an integral role in determining the winner of the legal battle between student free […]

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution addresses one of the most fundamental rights of all: The right to express our thoughts freely. However, the explicit intent of our Founding Fathers to permit free speech has not always been the legal norm inside of classrooms and on college campuses. Over the past 80 years, […]